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Support Tools Version Status Description
SVS Simulator Emulates the actors defined by the SVS profile. It is also used as a value set repository for the simulators.
Test Tools Version Status Description
Gazelle Test Management Gazelle Test Management Test Bed is the application used to manage the connectathon process, from registration through pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing, until the generation of the test report.
Schematron Validator Offers web services to validate XML messages exchanged in the context of IHE using schematrons.
Gazelle Security Suite Fusion of the PKI and TLS simulator, Gazelle Security Suite (GSS) gathers a set of tools dedicated to security aspect testing.
EVS Client The EVSClient is a front-end which allows the user to use the external validation services from a user-friendly interface instead of the raw web service offered by the Gazelle tools.


Tools Status Description
Single Sign On login (SSO) Access to Gazelle SSO.
Platform Support Status Description
Helpdesk Access to JIRA Helpdesk ticketing software.
Documentation Status Description
Tools User Guides Access to tools documentation.